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ecco perchè wonbin avrebbe lasciato i FT island, si dice fosse vittima di bullismo da parte di jaejin minhwan e jonghun

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view post Posted on 29/1/2009, 21:23

F.T is not disbanded, but still Wonbin left and that hurts many fans
just wanted people to know that it's not rumor
i wanted to upload this early as January 8th because he decided to leave awhile ago, but company didn announce until now
therefore the rumors about Wonbin being bullied by Jonghoon , Minhwan is officially true because primadonna knew it before company announced it (oh wonbin will have his own announcement too ,soon)
there was animosity between them, but it often becomes 1 vs 3, i kinda feel sorry for Wonbin and what he had to struggle with
Jonghoon is ill-tempered and so are the others except Hongki

- Media says wonbin left because of his taste is different than other members in music.

OK, would you actually believe that crap? would F&C or any management with logic sense let that happen when u spend all the money on this artist and sign a contract? u just let him go because he says he wants to play different music????

many fans saw Wonbin leaving with his luggage back packed with all his stuff leaving the building and Hongki followed him and persuaded him to go back, but he left

He wasn't invided to Jaejin's birth day party too lately

Hong ki really notice wonbin being bullied, but he was the one who comforted wonbin when he needed

i wish FT island will be disbanded now
Wonbin is not on the list any more too
New member will be meaningless,
just disband

good luck to Wonbin for his second career as an actor or solo artist
and Hongki too
the rest,
good luck with hand synching
grow the fuck up

Those who say this is bullshit, and it's all rumor

that's what they said to primadonna fans when they told u guys Won bin will be leaving since January 20th (that's 8 days before F&C announced) and nobody believed it or listen to them
guess what it wasn't rumor..
and it happened because of those kind of bitches saying this is all complete load of bull shit, u let this happen

just believing everything is rumor wont help wonbin, you gotta act out

and those who say im not Jaejin's friend,, im speechless
i lived in Incheon, those who are familiar with INcheon
i went to Dong Mack Elementary school with Jaejin and he was in 5-3 class with me in 5th grade and we were both 10 year anniversary graduates of Dongmac i have pictures taken with him it's on my cyworld

just wanted to give you a clue what's going on

and if ... if.. which is impossible,,, what if Wonbin really left because his music taste was different than the rest of the members..
Would that still matter to him because he was in FT island and he never wanted to drop out like this
and why would Song sueng hyun joing the team right away?


"would F&C or any management with logic sense let that happen when u spend all the money on this artist and sign a contract? u just let him go because he says he wants to play different music????" read this phrase over and over

those bitches keep trying to tackle me with that shit
then just believe that crap
and think it's all rumor
is that how u react when u heard ur friend was hit by a car?
u just think that's a complete bull shit and walk away?

i hope u understand what im trying to clarify


io questo l'ho trovato su youtube a un video tributo a wonnie♥
..comunque a quanto pare il motivo sarebbe questo,la storia dei diversi gusti musicali era solo una balla.
aspettiamo comunque per delle conferme.
view post Posted on 29/1/2009, 21:43

Porca miseria O__O ma jj cosa fai?? Jong è tu? madoo che casino ragazze
view post Posted on 29/1/2009, 21:53

già...ç_ç quello che mi chiedo io è PERCHE'?
cioè perchè si sarebbero comportati così con lui??
bu c'ho solo una gran confusione ._.
view post Posted on 29/1/2009, 21:57

si anche io...almeno li sapranno già qualcosa..non ci resta che aspettare -__-"
view post Posted on 29/1/2009, 22:00

Ragazze ma che cos'è questa storia????? Mi sembra veramente una cosa impossibile...non ci posso credere....spero con tutto il cuore che sia solo un rumors, attendo con ansia una spiegazione!!!!

Edited by gclove - 29/1/2009, 22:02
view post Posted on 29/1/2009, 22:01

Ma oramai si legge ovunque O_O"
anche io spero sia non so..
view post Posted on 31/1/2009, 18:33

Non credo sapremo mai come é andata davvero... Non avremo mai una conferma di una cosa simile, al massimo una smentita... ma credo che il mistero resterà irrisolto... fatto sta che non mi suona troppo vera la storia dei differenti gusti musicali.. Ma d'altronde viviamo talmente lontani da loro che non possiamo ottenere informazioni in nessun modo ad eccezione di scovarle in Internet e, si sa, girano quasi più stupidaggini di fatti reali... Quindi io mi rassegno a non sapere la verità. Però i ragazzi non mi sembrano gente che bulleggia, e non lo dico solo perché sono affezionata a loro pur non conoscendoli. Ovviamente nemmeno Wonbin mi pare il tipo da mollare un gruppo per gusti musicali differenti, anche se può trattarsi di un big deal.

grazie d'aver postato!<3
view post Posted on 31/1/2009, 18:52

Ecco... è un gran casino ò.ò non è giusto, anche noi dobbiamo sapere la verità ù.ù
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 18:31

grazie d'aver postato!<3

ma figurati♥

comunque..quello che penso io è che è normale se ci sono liti,in fondo sono ragazzi che hanno intorno ai 17 anni insomma..però non penso sia successo davvero qualcosa di così pesante da portare a questo..
..bu non lo so,spero solo che prima o poi la verità esca fuori♥
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 20:51

~ ♥ 4ever friends ♥ ~

.:Hong Ki:.
il numero 3 + un' altro modo per dire "faccia! XD


Questo è un messaggio di Wonbin al riguardo, per le PD

To our loving Primadonnas:

Hi, this is FT Island's member, Oh Wonbin.
For being so good to us up til now, I'm thankful and I don't have anything to say other than a farewell greeting.
Also, I will never forget Primadonnas in my life.
Also, even though I said I'm quitting, don't be too worried and please be strong.^-^
I love Primadonnas forever but I'm leaving like this, huh? (*^-^*)
So like this, while smiling, towards the end of today I make my farewell ^-^
Please give FT Island your love!!!! Stay healthy *^-^*
Also, please don't hate our members, and love them a lot!!!
Because of everyone, like this I feel strong *^-^* I'm well and I'm happy*!!!!
Also... the FT Island members don't hate me.
The rumours about bullying are not true
I am very close with the members, and they did not "bully me because our friendship divided". ^-^*
Rumours say that I'm leaving because of bullying but that isn't the truth. ^-^
Please believe that the members love me no matter what.
From now on, through your awesome appearances, please again give your love to FT Island.

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view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 20:56


non ho capito quale è il vero motivo perchè se ne è andato..
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 22:18

..bu..vabbè se non è vero meglio,preferisco non sapere il motivo che sapere che era perchè veniva trattato male dagli altri...
..però boh..?_?
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 22:22

Infatti si è vero. Ma chissà se anche quista non è una falsa?
12 replies since 29/1/2009, 21:23   623 views